Lawrence General Hospital

lawrencegeneral.orgHeadquarters: Lawrence, MA

Lawrence General Hospital
Headquarters: Lawrence, MA

Founded in 1877, Lawrence General Hospital is a network of hospital- and community-based services and care providers who are striving to restore, improve and maintain the health of the residents of the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire. With service from primary care and wellness, to complex medical and surgical interventions, to rehabilitation and care management at home, our goal is to offer high quality, personalized services—close to our patients’ homes—that respond to the needs of individual patients in all stages of their lives.


Lawrence General Hospital is a private, not-for-profit hospital providing quality medical care and related services to the people of the Greater Lawrence community. Our physicians and caregivers offer treatment to all patients, regardless of their race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, disability, and other characteristics that make our patients and employees unique.

Every member of our clinical team works to assure the level of care the Hospital provides, supporting community education and research to improve the health of the citizens of the Merrimack Valley. To the extent that they enable us to enhance our ability to deliver on our mission and expand our range of services, we work closely and collaboratively with other healthcare institutions.

Number of Staffed Beds
Total Discharges & Visits*
Outpatient Facilities
  • Marston Street Medical Center, Lawrence MA
  • Andover Medical Center, Andover MA
  • Methuen Medical Center, Methuen MA
Key Services
  • Emergency Center
  • Cardiovascular Center
  • Santagati Center for Surgery
    –Orthopedics and Spine
    –Weight Loss and Bariatrics
    –Vascular Surgery
    –General surgery
  • Services for Growing Families
  • Rehabilitation Therapy

*Source: Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA), FY22